Meet the Business Representatives



Mark Grasseschi 708-588-7512

Directing Business Representative – Mark Grasseschi 

Mark has been a member of Local 701 since 1987. He worked in the Automotive industry throughout his career and served as a shop Steward at Phillips Chevrolet. While serving as shop steward he was also appointed to the Local 701 Board as a Trustee in 2014. In July 2015 Mark was then appointed as a Business Representative where he serviced various specialty shops including automotive dealerships, bakery, trucking, machine shops, Road Builders (MARBA), Villages and the forklift industry. Mark also is the co-editor for the Local 701 Newsletter, assists in the local’s Website and Facebook page, and was appointed in 2019 to be a Trustee on the Will/Grundy County Trades Association Board. Mark was also part of the extended bargaining committee for the 2013 Standard Automotive Agreement (SAA) contract negotiations. Mark serves as a Trustee on the Local 701 Health, Welfare and Pension Funds. He also serves as a Trustee on the Local 701 401(k) Defined Contribution Plan and is Chairman on the Local 701 Training Fund. Mark was appointed ADBR to former DBR Cicinelli in January 2022 and Appointed to DBR of Local in June 2022 and elected DBR in August 2022. SEE MORE





Ryan Haehnlein 708-738-1620  

Assistant Directing Business Representative – Ryan Haehnlein

Ryan has been a member of Local 701 since 2011. He worked in the Heavy-Duty industry at M&K Truck Centers where he served as Shop Steward, winning multiple labor disputes and grievances against his employer. Ryan was appointed to the position of Organizer in 2021 and as a Business Representative later in that year. He services the Freight industry, Heavy-Duty and Automotive dealerships, Equipment industry, along with several various independent industries. He is the editor of the Local 701 newsletter, assists on the website and Local app design, and takes part in several Local 701 functions and committees. He is a delegate and COPE Representative to the Chicago Federation of Labor, as well as the Secretary-Treasurer to The Illinois State Council of Machinists. Ryan also serves as a Trustee on the Local 701 Training Fund, and a Trustee in Training on the Local 701 Health, Welfare, and Pension Fund. He has attended classes at the Winpisinger Training Center in Maryland, including Foundational Skills, Collective Bargaining, Arbitration, Negotiation Prep, Negotiating Healthcare, and Local Lodge History.






Walter Emerson 815-219-0438

Business Representative/701 Coordinator – Walter Emerson 

Walter has been a member of Local 701 since 2000. He worked in the Automotive industry throughout his career and served as a shop Steward at Pugi of Downers Grove starting in 2013. He was elected to the Local’s Executive Board as a Trustee in 2015 where he served until he was appointed to the position Business Representative/Organizer in October of 2017. Wally also serves as the 701 Communicator and maintains the Website, Twitter and Instagram accounts. Walter services Automotive dealerships, Equipment companies, Ready-Mix industry, Machine shops and Trucking industries. He is a delegate to The Illinois State Council of Machinists, The Midwest Conference of Machinists, as well as the 1st Vice President for the Northeastern Illinois Federation of Labor/AFL-CIO. Wally also serves as a Trustee on the Local 701 Training Fund, and a Trustee in Training on the Local 701 Health, Welfare, and Pension Fund.

He has also attended several classes at the Winpisinger Training Center in Maryland, including Arbitration, Advanced Arbitration, Collective Bargaining, Advanced Collective Bargaining, First Contract, Foundational Skills, Leadership 1, Negotiating Healthcare, Negotiating Retirement Security, Organizing I, Organizing II, Political Training Program, Service Contract Act, Basic Web Development, Intermediate Web Development, IAM-Critical Incident Response Training Program, IAM-Adult Mental Health First Aid USA. 


Chris Becktel 708-542-0852

Business Representative-Chris Becktel

Chris has been a member of Local 701 since 2007. He worked throughout his career in the car industry. Before his move to the Organizing Department at Local 701 he worked at Toyota of Naperville. Chris has worked on many organizing drives over the years. During the 2017 Standard Automotive negotiations, Chris was on the extended Bargaining Committee. He’s also been involved in the Local 701 Community Outreach Committee, and the Organizing Committee.  Chris has attended classes at the Winpisinger Center in Maryland. These include Organizing Prep, Organizing 1, Leadership 1, Political Training and Education, Negotiation Prep., Foundational Skills, Arbitration, Collective Bargaining, Advanced Collective Bargaining, First Contract, Negotiating Healthcare and Insurance, Negotiating Retirement Securities, and Service Contract Act.







Mike Burtner Jr. 708-240-1388

Business Representative – Mike Burtner Jr.

Mike has been a member of Local 701 since 1996. He has worked in the Diesel Industry throughout his career and most recently served as shop Steward for First Student for 8 years. During that time, Mike participated in multiple successful contract negotiations with the Company. Mike is a 2nd generation local 701 member with his father and uncle both retired members. In 2022 Mike was appointed to the position of Business Representative/Organizer. Since January of 2022 Mike has taking several classes at the IAMAW William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, Maryland to further his Union education to better serve members. Mike is a delegate for the Chicago Federation of Labor and attends the monthly meetings. 








Carl Cassata 708-334-2372

Business Representative-Carl Cassata

Carl has been a member of Local 701 since 1995. He has previously worked at various dealerships since 1990. In 2015 he joined Elgin Toyota and has been a shop Steward since 2021. Carl also was on the 2021 SAA negotiations committee. In 2022 Carl was appointed to the position of Organizer. In June of 2022 Carl was appointed to the position of Business Representative. Carl has been appointed as a trustee on the Elgin Trade Council in 2023.

He has also attended classes at the William W. Winpisinger Education & Technology in Maryland. Classes include: Collective Bargaining, Advanced Collective Bargaining, Arbitration, Advanced Arbitration, Organizing I & II, Communications for Organizing, IAM Foundational Skills and Basic Web Development.







Joe Scheer 815-685-9423

Business Representative-Joe Scheer

Joe has been a member of Local 701 since 2001. He worked in the commercial trucking industry at Rendel’s Inc. where he served as the shop steward and shop foreman for many years. During his time at Rendel’s he was instrumental in leading several successful contract negotiations, and enforcing the terms of the contract. He has volunteered on the organizing and political committees. Joe was appointed to the position of Business Representative in December of 2022 where he services the Automotive, Trucking, Equipment, and Aggregate sectors of the industry. He is a delegate to the Will/Grundy counties central Trades and Labor Council, AFL-CIO and was elected President to the council in January 2025. He also serves as a delegate to the Illinois State Council of Machinists.

He has attended several classes at the Winpisinger Training Center in Maryland, including Leadership 1, Foundational Skills, Collective Bargaining, Advanced Collective Bargaining, First Contract, Arbitration, IAM-Critical Incident Response Training Program, IAM-Adult Mental Health First Aid USA, and continues to further his education through the IAM to better serve our membership.




Chad Gallois 708-846-0880

Business Representative – Chad Gallois 

Chad Gallois has been an active member of Mechanics’ Local 701 since 2000. Chad worked as an Automotive technician under the Standard Automotive Agreement (SAA). Throughout Chad’s career, he served Local 701 as a shop steward at Lexus of Naperville, Local 701 election official, strike captain in 2017 and 2021, and served on the 2021 SAA negotiation committee. He has volunteered on the Organizing and Political committees, and supported multiple strike lines. Chad was appointed to the position of Business Representative/Organizer in December of 2022. As a Business Representative/Organizer, Chad services various shops throughout several industries such as automotive dealerships, bakeries, forklift, trucking and equipment.  Chad has continued to further his Union Education through the IAM at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center.

He has attended such classes as Leadership 1, Foundational Skills, Arbitration, First Contract, Collective Bargaining, Advanced Collective Bargaining, Mental Health First Aid, and Negotiating Retirement Security Program. In January 2024, Chad was appointed as a delegate to the Chicago Federation of Labor and seeks to support the labor movement to provide a better way of life for the working class.