
New Member Orientation:

All new members are encouraged to attend the Orientation Program which is currently held the First Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. before every membership meeting.

The IAM Local 701 Union hall is located in Aurora Illinois on Farnsworth Ave, just South of Butterfield Road and approximately 1 mile north of I-88. The address is 2650 N Farnsworth Ave, Aurora, Illinois 60502.

Come and see what your Union has to offer. Don’t miss out, make your appointment today! Schedule your appointment with our Local 701 Organizer Mike Wendling or our Local 701 Educator Chris Becktel:

Business Rep/Educator Chris Becktel (708) 542-0852 cbecktel@mech701.org

Organizer Mike Wendling ( 708) 828-2001 mikew@mech701.org