Welcome to IAMAW Mechanics Union Local 701
“Ours is the skill that keeps the Nation moving forward!”

To All Local 701 Welfare Fund Participants,
On behalf of the Automobile Mechanics’ Local #701 Welfare Fund Board of Trustees, I am pleased to inform you, that all eligible participants, spouses, and dependent children over the age of 18, have the opportunity to participate in one of our joint health fairs with Teamsters Local #731.
Why should you participate? We strongly believe that preventive healthcare will help us all live longer, happier lives. This confidential health assessment is centered on empowering you to take control of your health.
This event is provided to you for FREE. That’s right, no cost to you! Plus, as an incentive, the Board of Trustees has approved up to a $125 refund of the deductible for you and/or your spouse if you have the biometric screening performed by CHC at a Health Fair or a Labcorp facility.
Please click HERE for full details on the event dates and how to register.
CFL Lee Memorial Scholarship Flyer 2025